
miércoles, 25 de marzo de 2015

Entrenamiento para Oficiales Consulares de USA.

By Sara Vásquez

Estoy escribiendo algo que para muchos pasa desapercibido. Pero es importante para mí identificar
cual es el entrenamiento que tienen los Oficiales Consulares que están destacados en las Embajadas de Estados Unidos. Justamente es muy importante porque con ellos es que usted trata cuando va a las entrevistas para que le otorguen la visa: De residente permanente o visa de turismo. Usted no crea que se está enfrentando a una persona  sencilla, sin estudios, una persona que solo le pregunta por molestarlo. NO. Esta es una persona altamente entrenada en diferentes temas. Seguramente muchos de esos entrenamientos ni siquiera se nos había pasado por la cabeza.

Para ser Oficial del Servicio Consular de los Estados Unidos de América, se necesita tener muchos conocimientos. Si bien es cierto que este es un trabajo muy, muy bueno, imaginése: Viajar alrededor del mundo, con casa pagado por el gobierno, con buenos salarios, con buenos beneficios cuando ellos se retiran o se jubilan etc, etc, Pero se ha puesto usted a pensar cual es el entrenamiento de ellos antes de ser admitidos y después de ser admitidos en el servicio consular.

Cuando ellos son admitidos en el servicio consular, antes de ser destacados en una embajada ellos son entrenados en Washington los primeros dos años antes de ser enviados al extranjero. Se les entrena en habilidades lingüisticas, conocimientos de derecho internacional, inteligencia emocional, liderazgo etc, etc.
Les voy a dejar una hoja donde se detallan en conjunto de temas en los cuales se entrenan a los oficiales consulares. Así que cuando sea su turno de pasar entrevistas con alguno de ellos por favor no intente mentir y ni se le ocurra que usted sabe más que ellos. La lista está en Inglés y se la dejé así para que usted vaya mejorando  su hablidad en ese idioma. Good envening!!! Enjoy it.

Foreign Service Officer Qualifications - 13 DIMENSIONS What qualities do we seek in FSO candidates? The successful candidate will demonstrate the following dimensions that reflect the skills, abilities, and personal qualities deemed essential to the work of the Foreign Service:
 • Composure. To stay calm, poised, and effective in stressful or difficult situations; to think on one's feet, adjusting quickly to changing situations; to maintain self-control
. • Cultural Adaptability. To work and communicate effectively and harmoniously with persons of other cultures, value systems, political beliefs, and economic circumstances; to recognize and respect differences in new and different cultural environments
. • Experience and Motivation. To demonstrate knowledge, skills or other attributes gained from previous experience of relevance to the Foreign Service; to articulate appropriate motivation for joining the Foreign Service.
 • Information Integration and Analysis. To absorb and retain complex information drawn from a variety of sources; to draw reasoned conclusions from analysis and synthesis of available information; to evaluate the importance, reliability, and usefulness of information; to remember details of a meeting or event without the benefit of notes.
 • Initiative and Leadership. To recognize and assume responsibility for work that needs to be done; to persist in the completion of a task; to influence significantly a group’s activity, direction, or opinion; to motivate others to participate in the activity one is leading.
 • Judgment. To discern what is appropriate, practical, and realistic in a given situation; to weigh relative merits of competing demands.
 • Objectivity and Integrity. To be fair and honest; to avoid deceit, favoritism, and discrimination; to present issues frankly and fully, without injecting subjective bias; to work without letting personal bias prejudice actions.
 • Oral Communication. To speak fluently in a concise, grammatically correct, organized, precise, and persuasive manner; to convey nuances of meaning accurately; to use appropriate styles of communication to fit the audience and purpose.
 • Planning and Organizing. To prioritize and order tasks effectively, to employ a systematic approach to achieving objectives, to make appropriate use of limited resources.
 • Quantitative Analysis. To identify, compile, analyze, and draw correct conclusions from pertinent data; to recognize patterns or trends in numerical data; to perform simple mathematical operations.
 • Resourcefulness. To formulate creative alternatives or solutions to resolve problems, to show flexibility in response to unanticipated circumstances.
 • Working With Others. To interact in a constructive, cooperative, and harmonious manner; to work effectively as a team player; to establish positive relationships and gain the confidence of others; to use humor as appropriate.
Written Communication. To write concise, well organized, grammatically correct, effective and persuasive English in a limited amount of time. Please note that we require no specific education level, academic major, or proficiency in a foreign language for appointment as a Foreign Service Officer.

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